User guidelines for executing word search

  • Technical information about word search
  • The searches implemented in the MCSQ interface communicate directly with the Entity-Relationship (ER) MCSQ database,
    thus encapsulating SQL searches so the users do not have to worry about writing SQL statements.

  • The compare versions functionality
  • The compare versions functionality DOES NOT use alignment information.
    The compare versions functionality was developed to compare questions in multiple languages (up to 8), at item level, not to compare aligments
    If you want to compare alignments, you have to use the word search in alignment table functionality.

  • Interpreting the survey_itemid
  • The survey_itemid is the unique identifier for each text segment in the corpus.
    It contains relevant information on it, namely the language and country of the questionnaire, the study and the year.
    Consider the following examples to help you interpret the IDs:
    The survey_itemid ESS_R02_2004_FRE_FR_6 means that the text segment belongs to the questionnaire ESS round 2 released in 2004,
    written in French from France.
    The survey_itemid EVS_R04_2008_POR_LU_26 means that the text segment belongs to the questionnaire EVS round 4 released in 2008,
    written in Portuguese from Luxembourg.
    The survey_itemid SHA_COVID_2020_ENG_SOURCE_7 means that the text segment belongs to the questionnaire SHARE COVID study released in 2020,
    and it is the source questionnaire, written in English

  • Technical information about the Regular expression (regex) search
  • Regular expressions (regex) are patterns used to specify a search expression.
    The regex search option gives users more flexibility for creating search queries in the Request, Response, Introduction, Instruction,
    and Alignment tables of the MCSQ. A regular expression is a powerful and flexible text search approach, however in order to make use of it,
    some knowledge about regex operators is required. Below you will find some of the most important operators and short examples to understand them:

    All of the above-mentioned operators can be used in combination, which further expands the search possibilities.
    That is why learning how to build your regular expressions will allow you to create complex searches in the MCSQ.

  • Word search independent of item_type
  • You can search for words concerning specific item types in the Word search in MCSQ Tables menu
    by accessing the Request Table, Response Table, Introduction Table and Instruction Table options.
    In order to search for words independently of item type, i.e. words in text segments of all item types, access the Survey Item Table option.

  • Seaching for words with apostrophe
  • In SQL searches, you have to escape (escaping is a combination of characters that has a meaning other than the literal characters contained therein,
    also called meta-characters) the apostrophe (') character. For instance, if you want to search for d'accord, then search for d''accord instead.

  • The multiword search
  • In order to search correctly for multiple words, please check the Multiple word search? option and separate the words by semicolon (;).
    For instance, if you want to seach for very happy, write it as very;happy in your word search.